Public Observing

When arriving on the observatory grounds, please be sure to leave your headlights on until you are parked for the safety of everyone in the parking area. Please follow the directions of our parking attendants, they will guide you to parking spaces on our property.

 Please check this website, the Naylor Observatory Facebook page, or call the observatory at 717-938-6041 before coming out to the session to make sure the weather will allow us to hold it.

See the descriptions below the public observing schedule for more information and directions to Naylor Observatory.

There is no fee to attend our Public Observing Sessions, however donations are always appreciated to help keep our Naylor Observatory functioning.

Upcoming 2025 Public Observing Sessions

Date Gate Opens Observing Ends

March 16th (Sunday) 800pm 1000pm

April 13th (Sunday) 800pm 1000pm

May 3rd (Saturday) 830pm 1030pm

June 15th (Sunday) 900pm 1030pm

July 6th (Sunday) 915pm 1045pm

August 3rd (Sunday) 900pm 1030pm

September 7th (Sunday) 800pm 1000pm

October 4th (Saturday) 700pm 900pm

November 9th (Sunday) 600pm 800pm

Face mask use is recommended when you are inside buildings at Naylor Observatory

Naylor Observatory, 670 Observatory Drive, Lewisberry PA 

We invite you and your family to visit Naylor Observatory on selected evenings this year. Come and observe the beauty of the moon, planets, double stars, star clusters, nebulae and galaxies with your own eyes through our large telescopes. Admission is free. As a non-profit organization we welcome your donations to help keep our Observatory open to the public. Weather conditions determine if we will be open on a scheduled date. We cannot predict which nights will be clear when we make up this schedule. If it is overcast or raining, we will not be open. If in doubt about the weather, check this website or call (717) 938-6041 beginning 30 minutes before sunset.

Naylor Observatory, 670 Observatory Drive, Lewisberry PA

Finding Naylor Observatory safely without getting lost is easier if you plan to arrive before it becomes completely dark. We unlock our gate at the time listed in the chart above. Do not come earlier. There is no on-street parking. If you park at the gate entrance we can’t get in to unlock the gate. WATCH OUT FOR DEER!! Deer commonly run across the hilly roads leading to the Observatory and can collide with your vehicle. 

What to expect when you arrive

When you arrive at the Naylor Observatory, our members will be located throughout the driveway to assist you with parking. Please keep your headlights on for visibility and safety. Then we ask that you please visit out Asper building to sign in. The Asper building is the first building you see on the right after you enter the grounds. There is a red light above the door.

After signing in at the Asper building, help yourself to our free informational handouts. While there you can check out our Meteorites and even take your picture with an actual "space rock!” 

Continue your visit by following the red lights and leisurely touring our grounds which consists of 4 observatories and many different telescopes. Our "What's in the sky board" located outside will allow you to see some of the objects that will be visible that evening.  ASH members will be at every telescope to help you observe the various objects. In our observatories and also on the grounds, our members are able to assist you if or when you need. Please be cautious of using white flash lights and cell phones near the observatories to respect the night vision of others. It can take up to 45 minutes to get your eyes adapted to the dark. Dim red lights are preferred.

We hope you enjoy your visit and come back to see us again!

Asper Building

Asper Building (inside)

follow the red lights to our Observatories

waiting for darkness